Friday, April 29, 2011

Hello and Welcome to my Blog!

So I have finally started a blog after many years of travels and adventures. I honestly don't know why I didn't do it before; however, I kept up a constant roll of emails to all my favorites back home whenever I decided to pack up my good ol' Blue and Red (my travel suitcases companions) for my long term stays in Europe. However, after reading various blogs about travel and living abroad for hours on end, I decided it was time for me to begin sharing my own stories and adventures of the good, bad, hilarious, harrowing, and most importantly, growing up that happens every time I leave the States for a long term stay abroad. I will try my hardest to write about all my experiences, whether good or bad. I will also keep the identity of anyone I write about anonymous (names and identities will be changed). Thus, begins my journey into the blog realm and I am very delighted that you have decided to join me! To the next time....
